Bear Hands premieres video for new single, “Blue Lips”

Credit: Jon ChuBear Hands has premiered the video for their new single, "Blue Lips," which you can watch now on YouTube.

If you sense any tension in the video, that might be because it was filmed just after frontman Dylan Rau and guest vocalist Ursula Rose ended their nearly three-year relationship.

"Me and Ursula were together when we wrote the song, and then we broke up shortly before shooting the video," Rau tells Alternative Press. "And we still had to make the video and be in the same room together."

"I think we still love each other, and we're still friends, and we still talk a lot," he continues. "But it was certainly one of the most surreal video-making experiences I ever had.

Bear Hands dropped "Blue Lips," along with another new track, "Ignoring the Truth," earlier this month. The band's most recent album is 2016's You'll Pay for This, which features the singles "2AM" and "Boss."

Bear Hands will be touring with WALK THE MOON starting January 23 in Louisville, Kentucky.

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