In 2013, the two surviving members of the Beastie Boys, Adam "Ad-Rock" Horovitz and Michael "Mike D" Diamond, signed a book deal to release a joint memoir sometime in 2015. However, now that 2015 is here, Horovitz doesn't see the book coming out in the near future.
"It's nowhere near that. There's no way it's going to happen [before 2017]," he tells Rolling Stone. "I might get sued by saying this, but I'm just being realistic."
Even with a new deadline far off, Horovitz and Diamond are still hard at work on the memoir.
"I write a bunch of stuff and I send it to Mike, and Mike writes a bunch of stuff and he sends it to me. We just comment and have arguments on what we wrote," Horovitz says. "It's more difficult to remember than it is emotionally. It's fun. I'm remembering the fun things; not the depressing things. It's going to be a weird book. [Publisher Spiegel & Grau] are giving us the freedom and leeway to do whatever we want."
As for what's going on in Horovitz's near future, he will be appearing alongside Ben Stiller in the upcoming Noah Baumbach movie While We're Young, which will hit theaters March 27.
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