Iggy Pop stars in a new documentary produced by the record store Rough Trade, which named the singer's latest release, Post Pop Depression, the best album of 2016. In the film, titled I've Nothing but My Name, the Godfather of Punk sits down for a conversation with Sonic Youth's Thurston Moore.
During their conversation, Pop talks about the inspiration behind the songs on Post Pop Depression, his interest in psychedelic music and the early days of his influential proto-punk band, The Stooges. At one point, he remembers how he and The Stooges couldn't figure out how to play basic songs like "Johnny B. Goode" early in their career. Then, the documentary cuts to Pop and Moore jamming to the Chuck Berry classic.
You can watch I've Nothing but My Name now via Pitchfork.com.
Pop talks more about The Stooges in a new book titled Total Chaos: The Story of The Stooges/As Told by Iggy Pop, available now via Jack White's Third Man Books.
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