Listen to Death Cab for Cutie’s Ben Gibbard cover Minor Threat

ABC/Randy HolmesDeath Cab for Cutie isn't usually mentioned in the same sentence as "hardcore punk," but frontman Ben Gibbard is merging those two worlds with a cover of the Minor Threat song "Filler."

For his take on the 1981 track, Gibbard turns the 90-second punk thrasher into a three-minute piano ballad with angelic backing vocals. You can hear it for yourself via Gibbard's Soundcloud.

"I covered this only once at a solo show in D.C. in 2012, " Gibbard says. "I felt like recording and sharing it today."

Gibbard and Death Cab will launch a U.S. tour in continued support of their latest album, Thank You for Today.

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