ABC/Randy HolmesMumford & Sons will be holding special listening events for their forthcoming album, Delta, and they'll feature a unique visual element.
The events will be held this Thursday, November 15 in movie theaters in Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and Toronto. While you hear the album in full, the screen will play wildlife visuals curated in partnership with National Geographic.
"While we were recording and mixing Delta, we watched a lot of films on silent including some pretty epic wildlife films by National Geographic -- like a vision-track to our soundtrack," the band says. "So, we felt it would be a nice idea to let fans experience the record in this way too."
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Delta, featuring the lead single "Guiding Light," arrives this Friday, November 16. Mumford & Sons will launch a U.S. tour behind the album December 7 in Philadelphia.
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