Prepare for the “best” from Taking Back Sunday: “This band creatively…is at the height”

Credit: Natalie EscobedoTaking Back Sunday will celebrate their 20th anniversary next year with a new career-spanning compilation album titled Twenty and a big U.S. tour. The "MakeDamnSure" rockers are also working on new music, which they feel could be the highlight of their now two-decade career.

"This band creatively, I think, is at the height," drummer Mark O'Connell tells ABC Radio. "What's about to come, I know for a fact is gonna be the best."

As for what that sounds like, that's still coming into form, but bassist Shaun Cooper believes it'll stay true to the core of Taking Back Sunday.

"We've always believed in the music that we've made," Cooper explains. "We never tried to go for a scene, we never tried to do something because it was the popular thing. We weren't trying to be, like, KISS putting out a disco record. We were trying to do what was true to us, and we always have."

"So we continue to grow and evolve in that kind of sense without changing anything too drastically," he continues. "I think when the four of us get together, no matter what type of song we write, it's gonna sound like a Taking Back Sunday song."

While you wait for new TBS, you can check out Twenty, which arrives on January 11.

"Some bands feel like they put out a greatest hits thing like we're doing, a compilation, and they feel like it's kinda the end of the road," says Cooper. "To me, I feel like it's kinda of a midway marker, and that's what I really hope it is."

"I hope to be doing this for another 20 years," he adds. "We feel like we're hitting a stride the way we communicate musically and personally and the way we get along."

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