The National have a storied history of collaboration with the Fox animated program Bob's Burgers. For the past two years, the band has released covers of the show's Thanksgiving songs, but for this year, they have turned to Christmas. In a new video animated in the Bob's Burgers style, The National sing a holiday song from the show entitled "Christmas Magic." You can watch the video via Vulture.
The "Christmas Magic" video features members of The National as ornaments on a Christmas tree with frontman Matt Berninger singing lines like "All the cold, hungry people are dying in the streets / Me and my family will be warm tonight" in his signature baritone. So it isn't the most uplifting holiday song, especially if you don't find the image of an animated Berninger in an elf costume inherently funny.
For more of The National's brooding style, you can catch them perform with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra as part of the MusicNOW Festival on March 13.
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