Earlier this month, Twenty One Pilots launched an online scavenger hunt, which ended with the premiere of the duo's "never-ending" video for their new single, "Level of Concern." In case you missed out on the fun -- or didn't have enough advanced degrees in Cliqueology -- the band has now shared a recap of the whole thing.
The seven-minute video details how fans were able to uncover codes through different clip, files and coordinates to unlock different "drives," which ultimately led them to becoming the first people to upload content to the infinite "Level of Concern" video.
"Recently our dads were asking what the heck was going on with those codes," TOP says. "This video explains it."
Even if you didn't participate in the scavenger hunt, you can still upload your own footage to the never-ending "Level of Concern" video via LoC.TwentyOnePilots.com.
By Josh Johnson
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