Watch 10-year old fan join Foo Fighters on stage for Metallica covers

Credit: Brantley GutierrezFoo Fighters got an unexpected assist from a 10-year-old fan named Collier during their show in Kansas City on Friday. Dave Grohl invited the young rocker on stage, who impressed the packed arena and the Foos themselves with his guitar chops.

After he arrived on stage, Grohl asked Collier what he knew how to play on guitar. Turns out, he's a big Metallica fan, and started to shred "Enter Sandman." The rest of the band quickly joined in, and Grohl did his best James Hetfield impression as he belted out the first verse and chorus of the Black Album classic.

But Collier wasn't done -- he also dusted off the riffs for "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)" and "Wherever I May Roam." Grohl was clearly impressed, and declared that pop star Ed Sheeran, who was playing Kansas City the next night, "ain't got nothing on Collier."

In addition to shading Ed Sheeran, Grohl also gifted young Collier his guitar. "If I see that s*** on eBay next week, I'm gonna find you," Grohl joked. You can watch fan-recorded footage of the performance now on YouTube.

Following the show, Grohl tweeted, "Lookout world...Next generation of rockers coming soon to an arena near you! Thanks Collier!" Metallica also shared their reaction, tweeting, "How cool is this??? Show 'em how it’s done, Collier!"

Perhaps Collier can start a band with Little Fonzie, the young drummer who joined the Foos onstage earlier this year but refused to leave the stage.

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