Credit: Katarina BenzovaAxl Rose took to Twitter on Sunday to express his extreme displeasure that President Donald Trump has been using Guns N' Roses' music at recent political rallies without the band's permission. The singer also reveals, in no uncertain terms, how he feels about the president.
"GNR like a lot of artists opposed to the unauthorized use of their music at political events has formally requested r music not b used at Trump rallies or Trump associated events," Rose writes in the first of a series of tweets.
He then explains that the campaign is taking advantage of what are called "blanket performance licenses." These licenses allow venues to play whatever music they like at various events, without an artists' permission.
While Axl insists that he's fine with anyone listening to Guns N' Roses' music "4 whatever reason," despite their political stance, he notes, "My personal position is that the Trump administration along w/the majority of Republicans in Congress n' their donors that support him 4 their own agendas r doing r nation a disservice."
Rose then labels Trump someone who "will say n' do anything w/no regard for truth, ethics, morals or empathy of any kind, who says what's real is fake n' what's fake is real…Who will stop at nothing 4 power feeding off the anger n' resentment he sows 24/7 while constantly whining how whatever doesn't go his way is unfair."
Rose concludes, "Most of us in America have never experienced anything this obscene at this level in r lifetimes n' if we as a country don't wake up n' put an end 2 this nonsense now it's something we definitely will all pay hard 4 as time goes on."
GN'R continue their Not in This Lifetime Tour on Thursday in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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