Dave Grohl Writes to British Government in Support of Young Metal Band

ABC/Andrea McCallinA band of English teenagers has found a hero in Dave Grohl. The Foo Fighters frontman has penned a letter to the Cornwall Council in England in support of Black Leaves of Envy, a local metal band that has been unable to practice because of noise restrictions.

According to The Plymouth Herald, Black Leaves of Envy, whose members range in age from 15 to 17, reached out to Grohl after the Cornwall Council told them to keep their noise level between 30-40 decibels, which Grohl describes as "approximately the level of a dishwasher at 15 meters distance."

In his letter to the Cornwall Council, which was posted on the Foo Fighters' Twitter, Grohl recalls rocking out in his garage while growing up in Virginia, and he points to the positive effect that playing music had on him as a kid.

"For musicians that lack the resources to rehearse in professional facilities, a garage or basement is the only place they have to develop their talent and passion," Grohl writes. "I believe that it is crucial that children have a place to explore their creativity and establish a sense of self through song. The preservation of such is paramount to the future of art and music. Without them, where would we be? As a proud father of three aspiring musicians myself, I have always made this a priority in our home, to great results."

"For the sake of your local band Black Leaves of Envy, and for the generations of young musicians that they may eventually inspire, I ask that you reconsider the restrictions put upon the volume of their private rehearsal space," he continues. "I believe that in doing so, you will be sending a message that Cornwall is not only a home to music and the arts, but a place that encourages children to follow their dreams in a world where anything is possible."

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