Tool Is “Working on Some Tunes” in the Studio

Credit: Tim CadienteIs Tool recording a new album? In a video posted to guitarist Adam Jones' Facebook page, the band appears to be back in the studio.

The video shows Motorhead drummer Mikkey Dee walking through a studio hallway before he shows Jones sitting on a couch, revealing both bands are recording in the same studio. Dee asks Jones, "What are you guys doing here, Adam?" to which Jones replies, "We're working on some tunes."

Tool's last album was 2006's 10,000 Days. The record contained two Grammy-nominated singles -- "The Pot" and "Vicarious." Last year, Jones and drummer Danny Carey told Rolling Stone that Tool hasn't had a chance to record a new album due to a lawsuit that began when a friend of Jones claimed he had created artwork for the band and he wanted credit. The lawsuit got more complicated from there when the insurance company Tool hired to defend them turned around and sued the band as well.

Meanwhile, Carey has teamed up with Mastodon frontman Brent Hinds to form a new group, Legend of the Seagullmen. You can hear the first two songs from the new band at

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