Dave Grohl Knew Nothing About New Orleans Before Filming “Sonic Highways”

Image Courtesy of Brantley GutierrezDave Grohl may be a music nerd, but he's not exactly a historian.

In a new interview with Rolling Stone, the Foo Fighters front man has admitted that he new absolutely nothing about New Orleans or jazz music before stepping foot in the city to film the sixth episode of the HBO series, Sonic Highways.

"Before I turned on the camera with Ben Jaffe from Preservation Hall, I said, 'I don't know s**t about jazz and I don't know s**t about New Orleans'… A lot of the interviews were like that," he said. "I'm a music nerd, but I'm not a musicologist. I love talking about music and hearing these stories, but I also love not knowing everything."

Grohl said he included New Orleans in his HBO series because he was inspired by the city's "celebration of life."

"There's a soundtrack to that city everywhere, 24 hours a day. You're just immersed in music," he said.  "It makes people smile and dance and drink and celebrate life."

There are only two more episodes left in the HBO series.

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