Sonic Highways, the eight-part documentary series that followed Foo Fighters as they recorded their album of the same name, is nominated for four Emmys, including a nod for Dave Grohl's direction in the "Washington, D.C." episode. While executives at HBO felt that Sonic Highways had awards potential, "Emmys" was the last word on Grohl's mind.
"I said, 'You're f****** out of your mind. There's no way,'" Grohl tells Deadline of his reaction to hearing Sonic Highways could win an Emmy. "So when it actually happened, I shrieked, 'Oh my God!' I don't really know how to process it. I'm a foreigner in the television world, and as a director. I've had fun doing the projects I've done. But honestly, I'm a drummer, man. This is just a funny place to be."
For Grohl, the Emmy nomination gives him a "feeling of achievement," the same way he feels when's he's recognized for his musical accomplishments.
"I didn't finish high school, and I didn't take lessons to learn how to play music," Grohl says. "I always just followed my gut feeling. 'OK, I think this is how you're supposed to play the drums. I think this is how you're supposed to play guitar. I think this is how you're supposed to sing.' All of those things, I kind of figured that’s how you're supposed to do it. When you accomplish something like that, you do feel a bit of pride because nobody told you what to do."
Prior to Sonic Highways, Grohl directed Sound City, a documentary about the famed Sound City Studios. Since then, Grohl says he's been approached for more directing gigs.
"I started getting offers to do everything from narrative features to Heineken commercials," he says. "I get hit up with these things and I have to say, wait, I have this other job. It's exciting. I've been really lucky in my music career in that I've only done things that felt...right."
The Emmys will be held at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles on Sunday, September 20.
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