Tom DeLonge's foray into the literary world appears to be a success. The former Blink-182 guitarist's debut novel, titled Poet Anderson...Of Nightmares, hit number-one on Amazon's Teen & Young Adult Thrillers & Suspense chart.
Of Nightmares, which DeLonge co-wrote with New York Times best-selling author Suzanne Young, is the first book in a planned trilogy about the character Poet Anderson, the protagonist of a sci-fi story that began with Angels & Airwaves' 2014 album, The Dream Walker. DeLonge has also written comic books and directed an animated short film about the character, and he recently cast Teen Wolf actor Tyler Posey to play Poet in an upcoming live action short film.
As a companion to the book, Angels & Airwaves last month released an EP, also called ...Of Nightmares.
DeLonge will speak more about his plans for his Poet Anderson character during "A Conversation with Tom Delonge," held at the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles on October 13. DeLonge will also screen an exclusive clip of the currently-untitled live-action Poet Anderson film at the event.
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